Learnt from Dim sum cookery class before I came to U.S. The Quail Egg Shao Mai is a traditional dim sum, it's one of my hubby's favorites.鵪鶉蛋燒賣在香港也不是很容易可以遇到..大概是因為一粒鵪鶉蛋的膽固醇很高....現在大家都注重健康,所以它不像從前般受歡迎罷.

  • 鵪鶉蛋 12 隻
  • 半肥瘦豬肉 1/2 磅 (For best result: 買碎瘦肉然後自行加人少量肥肉)
  • 蝦 1/2 磅
  • 冬菇 4 隻 (optional)
  • 大白皮 
調味料: (份量因應個人不同口味加減)
  • 鹽 1/2 茶匙
  • 糖 1 茶匙
  • 大地魚粉 1.5 茶匙
  • 麻油 2 茶匙
  • 胡椒粉 少許
  • 薯仔粉 1.5 茶匙 (也可用粟粉)
  • 蛋白 1/2 隻
  • 水 1 湯匙      

  1. 蝦去腸洗淨瀝乾,用刀剁碎,加入豬肉碎,調味料拌勻,攪拌至起膠
  2. 先放 1 粒鵪鶉蛋在皮中間,然後盛起約 1 湯匙份量的餡料放在上面,包好
  3. 放入蒸籠,中大火蒸約 10-15 分鐘 或 至熟,即成

I like eating congee as breakfast. It's easy to make and you could simply add anything you like in the 'rice-base'.  
My mom taught me a little tips about making nice congee...Soak the rice with salt and oil at least 30 mins or more before you cook it. Then the congee will be tender and soft. (綿綿粥)!
I've taken a Steam Rice Roll lesson in Hong Kong because I thought they're hard to be found in United States (at least, this is the story for New Haven.) It's actually not difficult to make from the scratch but you have to got the relevant equipment.e.g.蒸架,腸粉布.

To save time, we just get the ready-to-steam rice roll from the supermarket. So all we need to do is just mix the sauce. 食腸粉最重要就係個醬...不過我地搵唔到正統既甜醬..但加左芝麻醬同豉油之後...都幾似街邊腸粉.

The Dolphin Kitchen has resumed a bit.  We just miss the home meal so much.

Here in California, the Asian community is really large and we gain more access to Asian ingredients. Though, we are still finding some good place to shop for fresh fish. 

I am cooking food that requires no more than 3 steps...Usually steam vegetables, soup (simply throwing in everything) and some stir-fry dishes.

The Lemon Chicken below was made for my brother-in-law when he came to visit. It's Yummy. Made with fresh Lemon Juice and boneless Chicken thigh.

材料:       雞脾肉
(1)    雞扒解凍洗淨, 抹 乾水份, 下鹽, 黑椒粉拌勻
(2)    加入已拂勻的雞蛋和生粉醃半小時.
(3)    檸檬搾汁, 榨汁後的檸檬切出3-4片備用
(4)    燒紅鑊, 滾油, 慢火煎雞扒至熟, 盛起放上廚房紙吸去多餘油份
(5)      燒紅鑊, 下 牛油煮滾, 加入檸檬汁和檸檬片煮滾
(6)    2-3湯 匙砂糖調味, 煮至汁微杰, 淋上雞面即
Life is full of miracles.  I have received a very big cooking project 3 months ago.  The capacity of the dolphin's kitchen has been kept in a very minimal level.  And for some of you who didn't know, the kitchen will be relocated to West Coast.  So it is temporarily closed for some time...at least the transition period.      I miss home-made food.  在家千日好..."屋企飯最香" !
每次做肉餅都很有"家"的感覺. 今次嘗試學阿So 的貼士..加多一點水..原來真的可以使整個肉餅變得鬆軟. 不過用半肥瘦的肉應該會更可口一點. 

Minced Pork, Sliced Water Chestuts, Mushrooms 
Seasoning for Minced Pork:
Soy sauce, Salt, Sugar, White Pepper, Sesame Oil, Corn Starch, Cooking Wine  


Portobello, also called portabella is simply a brown  mushroom in disguise.

Ingredients for Stuffing:
Butter, Mozzarella Cheese, Romano Tomato, Minced Pork, White Pepper, Onion, Corn

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake Mushroom for 7-8 minutes to make it soft. Put all the stir-fried stuffing on top and put it back in the over (on the oiled baking pan) for another 15 to 20 minutes. 

Squash x 1, Milk & Butter (optional)
Corn, Green Beans & Onions 

I don't know how to differentiate Squash & Pumpkin. So I decided to buy one Squash and tastes the difference.  I always want to make Pumpkin soup myself as it is nutritious, but most recipes say that to make pumpkin soup requires a blender, so I withhold my plan as I don't want to buy a food blender simple for the Pumpkin soup.  In fact, it's much easier than I thought...and it is not necessary to use blender. If you steam the squash/pumpkin for 15 minutes, the skin will be easily off and it will automatically turns to 'Mash'.  

病左兩日, 仲未好番...原本買左'送'打算邀請朋友吃飯...都無力煮...
人在他鄉, 病左特別掛住屋企...更加想念朋友...很想回家...想吃只有香港才有的食物...病了..仍是滿腦子食物..


Home-made meal could cure home-sick.
We had a wonderful night with Yun on 11 Feb.  Cafe Claude is one of Yun's favorite restaurants in the town. I was a bit worried because the waitress said the restaurant was full...it's only a weekday's night!  Luckily, we are seated at outside dining area. The toaster-like heater surely did a great job and it's warm enough for us to enjoy a long chat and great food.

Under Yun's promotion, we did order quite a number of dishes (a little bit overwhelmed but we finished all the dishes at last coz there're all so good)

Petits Plats (Dolphin's Rating)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rillette du Périgord   8 out of 10
pork free, shredded all-natural duck meat, duck fat seasoned & cooked confit style

Escargot en Croute  8.5 out of 10  *** YUM
garlic, butter, parsley, almond nutmeg,
shallots and anchovies

Raviole de Champignon   7.5 out of 10
shiitake and oyster mushrooms, garlic,
red wine and port sauce, puff pastry

Coquilles Saint Jacques   9 out of 10 *** YUM
scallops, shrimp, mussels, mushrooms,
bread crumbs, gruyere

Coq Au Vin  20.   7.5 out of 10 *** Yun's Recommendation
marinated chicken with red wine sauce, bacon, mushrooms and pearl onions

Porc au Miel   8.5 out of 10 *** Chef's Pick (Recommended by the server)
pork filet, honey, white balsamic vinegar

Mousse au Chocolat 8 out of 10 *** Choco Lovers' Must try
dark chocolate mousse

For details,  check out the restaurant's website http://www.cafeclaude.com/

It is a modified version of  the Coriander or Cilantro Fish Soup. (莞茜滾魚片湯- 走皮蛋). As I could not find Coriander or Cilantro here. I use Parsley to replace it. 

Fry both side of the fillet.  Wash Parsley and chop it into small pcs (can bring out more scents). Put all the ingredients into boiling water. Lastly, add 大地魚粉/ other seafood brooth/or simply add salt. 



暫時試過整..三文魚(Salmon), 野生黑線鱈(Wild Haddock), 羅非魚(Tilapia) 屬於比較容易處理的魚類.

When baking a fresh Salmon,  I prefer not to fold the aluminum foil over the fish, though this could help to retain the steam in the packet and made it more moisture, the fish will be drown in sweat and end up turns baking to boiling. You will get a different texture and it won't be crispy. I think if the cooking time is controlled well. If you worried the fish will bake try, you can turn it upside down (skin on top) and bake for the first 11 minutes so that fish oils can go down to the fish meat.
  • Roast Salmon (actually bake is more correct) : Wash thoroughly, Added Pesto (optional), Lemon juice and Salt. Baked 20 minutes.

  • Potato Mash:  Follow the way taught in my 家常菜食譜, to cook the Potatoes in Microwave ('Ding' for 8-15 minutes depends on size, you may also boil it ) and add butter when it's hot. Then add grape tomatoes, ham and baby mushroom on top.

  • Boston Lettuce also called Butter Lettuce. Simply wash it and spin try. Add any kinds of saland dressing you like and it tastes yummy.

I've made cupcakes for Hugo to share with his labmates today. Actually most Americans like cupcakes (usually topped with icing sugar/cream or actually every 'sweet' thing).  They will decorate cupcakes in many different ways and some are really adorable.

For me, I'd prefer a plain cupcake without any toppings. Today,  I just made three varieties: plain butter, filled with Grape Jam and one with granola.

For the Basic Cupcake:


  • 4 oz--110 gm--1/2 cup sugar
  • 4 oz--110 gm--1/2 cup unsalted butter or margarine
  • 4 oz--110 gm--1 cup plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of milk

  1. Cream the butter and sugar
  2. Add the eggs one at a time and mix in well.
  3. Add milk
  4. Sieve in the flour and baking powder
  5. Mix gently together
  6. Put into cupcake cases (2/3 cup full)
  7. Bake at 350F for 20 minutes
More on on Cupcake Recipes:

    It's important to have a good breakfast at the beginning of your day.  As much as I recalled, most of my breakfasts are done in a rush time (here I excluded 早茶 - breakfasts at Chinese Tea House).  The reason is simple, I'd rather spend more time on my bed. So the breakfast time was mostly eaten up by the Sleeping Giant.

    I admire and envy those who 'managed to' wake up early for breakfast.  We just have too little time every day. So we stay up late and then get up late the next morning. You can do a survey in HK and I guess most people say they do not have much time for breakfast.

  星期六日到大家樂食個早餐...或者M 記食個早晨全餐已經可以make my day. So now, as I am a full time housewife, how can I skip the chance to kick off my day with a nice breakfast!!!
享受每天思量煮什麼, 吃什麼...
終於回到了美國的家...煮權回歸! 今次要將廚藝進一步升level!