I've taken a Steam Rice Roll lesson in Hong Kong because I thought they're hard to be found in United States (at least, this is the story for New Haven.) It's actually not difficult to make from the scratch but you have to got the relevant equipment.e.g.蒸架,腸粉布.

To save time, we just get the ready-to-steam rice roll from the supermarket. So all we need to do is just mix the sauce. 食腸粉最重要就係個醬...不過我地搵唔到正統既甜醬..但加左芝麻醬同豉油之後...都幾似街邊腸粉.

The Dolphin Kitchen has resumed a bit.  We just miss the home meal so much.

Here in California, the Asian community is really large and we gain more access to Asian ingredients. Though, we are still finding some good place to shop for fresh fish. 

I am cooking food that requires no more than 3 steps...Usually steam vegetables, soup (simply throwing in everything) and some stir-fry dishes.

The Lemon Chicken below was made for my brother-in-law when he came to visit. It's Yummy. Made with fresh Lemon Juice and boneless Chicken thigh.

材料:       雞脾肉
(1)    雞扒解凍洗淨, 抹 乾水份, 下鹽, 黑椒粉拌勻
(2)    加入已拂勻的雞蛋和生粉醃半小時.
(3)    檸檬搾汁, 榨汁後的檸檬切出3-4片備用
(4)    燒紅鑊, 滾油, 慢火煎雞扒至熟, 盛起放上廚房紙吸去多餘油份
(5)      燒紅鑊, 下 牛油煮滾, 加入檸檬汁和檸檬片煮滾
(6)    2-3湯 匙砂糖調味, 煮至汁微杰, 淋上雞面即