It was back in April when I took this picture with Yun. The Cocola Bakery is a nice patisserie for lunch or a quick recharge point after shop hopping.
Recommend: The almond croissant is nice, filled with vanilla cream. Delightful high tea.
Bought a large box of strawberry but they're not as sweet as expected. The best way to consume it is to make fruit dip. Wow, with the white chocolate cover, they taste amazingly good. Magic!
Haven't thought of making a sweet soup with fish maw (i.e.swim bladder* ) before I read <雙如談食>. A bit hesitate because it would be too expensive to ruin 'Fish Maw'. But the picture in the cooking book look so nice that I thought it worth a try. It is easy and simple but still...I think I would prefer to use fish maw in a tradition way e.g. fish maw chicken soup.
*In Chinese cultures, the swim bladders of certain large sea fishes are considered a food delicacy. It is usually served braised or in stews.
Learnt from Dim sum cookery class before I came to U.S. The Quail Egg Shao Mai is a traditional dim sum, it's one of my hubby's favorites.鵪鶉蛋燒賣在香港也不是很容易可以遇到..大概是因為一粒鵪鶉蛋的膽固醇很高....現在大家都注重健康,所以它不像從前般受歡迎罷.
- 鵪鶉蛋 12 隻
- 半肥瘦豬肉 1/2 磅 (For best result: 買碎瘦肉然後自行加人少量肥肉)
- 蝦 1/2 磅
- 冬菇 4 隻 (optional)
- 大白皮
調味料: (份量因應個人不同口味加減)
- 鹽 1/2 茶匙
- 糖 1 茶匙
- 大地魚粉 1.5 茶匙
- 麻油 2 茶匙
- 胡椒粉 少許
- 薯仔粉 1.5 茶匙 (也可用粟粉)
- 蛋白 1/2 隻
- 水 1 湯匙
- 蝦去腸洗淨瀝乾,用刀剁碎,加入豬肉碎,調味料拌勻,攪拌至起膠
- 先放 1 粒鵪鶉蛋在皮中間,然後盛起約 1 湯匙份量的餡料放在上面,包好
- 放入蒸籠,中大火蒸約 10-15 分鐘 或 至熟,即成
I like eating congee as breakfast. It's easy to make and you could simply add anything you like in the 'rice-base'.
My mom taught me a little tips about making nice congee...Soak the rice with salt and oil at least 30 mins or more before you cook it. Then the congee will be tender and soft. (綿綿粥)!